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Finding A Profitable Ebay Category

Here are a list of generic categories that are used by people who want to sell info products on
Industrial/Businesses For Sale/OtherBusiness
Industrial/Businesses For Sale/WebsitesComputers
Office Products/Software/PC/OtherComputers
Office Products/TechnologyBooksComputers
Office Products/Services/InformationalEverything Else/Services/Information ServicesEverything Else/Ebay User Tools
Let's say your selling a report on "How to save 30% on your next plasma screen tv purchase", I would be listing it in the following categories.Books/OtherEverything Else/Services/InformationServices Electronics & Computers/Home ElectronicsElectronics & Computers/Home Electronics/HomeTheater SystemsElectronics & Computers/HomeElectronics/TelevisionsIt really is as simple as finding where people buy the products your selling. If you're selling a book about saving expenses on baby clothes and furnishing, advertise in the categories that sellthese products, plus a few generic categories I listed above.